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(1 edit)

Nice game, try making more levels and adding enemies or making it a puzzle game.

What is ever anything? I grew up playing a lot of games with pixel art that was almost entirely interpretary, and usually there was never a description, or the ability to interact with objects of an indeterminate purpose.

I can’t see anything back here, and I can’t remember what’s in front.

Whoa, I didn't know what to expect as I started this, but I was not disappointed!

I really like how the interpretation of the art changes from room to room ~~ overall, a fascinating, almost abstract experience~~

By the way, I think your way of starting with a small scope and gradually building up as you work on more games is really smart -- I know you're working with Godot now and I super support that, but I hope you'll make another GB Studio title or two in the future as well!   ^__^